1. the best things about my art work is all the things on the face like the stars, doggy prints, cross, and mustache because its the things i choose and the Pacific reason for those items
2. the weakest thing about my art work is the crown i wish i had put a little more work and effort for the was it looks
3.the weakest things could be improved by just adding extra time and effort in my work to really focus on that area
4.the tools i used in illustrator was the shapes tool, color option, smooth tool and pen tool in order to make my sugar skull
5. i was able to reach my goal of this assignment because i did the sugar skull coloring, and adding different things (little pictures) of things that means a lot to me as well as getting to understand illustrator function.
6. the coloring was the easiest part of the assessment because it was easy to decide the color and have all the color option to choose from
7.the difficult part of this assignment was the tracing and smoothing of the skull as it was hard to find the tools in order to processed this action
8.if i were to redo this assignment i would use different things and i would make the face much bigger in order too add more pictures and drawing to it
9. on a scale 1-10 i would rate this an 7 because i could of done more and had a tad bit more effort into my art project.


  1. I like your color scheme it reminds me of the guy in the joker movie, i can tell you put in a lot of effort because you added things you like. one thing i would say to improve is to have it a little more organized.

  2. i like the skull's color ,and the mustache. one thing i thing you could improve on is put the skull in the middle.

  3. I like the different colors and all the shapes but you could have made it bigger and put it in the center.


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