1.) the best thing about my art work is the realistic of the photo to the actual photo
2.) the weakest thing about my art work is the hair chunk on the left side
3.) in future shots the weakest thing could be fixed by making it less chunky and more curly
4.) i used the blend brush, eraser tool, and color tool.
5.) i met the objective of this project because i leaned to blend and create a drawing using a picture
6.) the coloring was the easiest thing about the whole project because it was just finding the color then adding it to its space
7.)  the hardest part of this project was blending because it was too blend or it was not blended enough and so some colors didn't blend well.
8.) if i could do this assignment again i would chose a different thing to draw like a landscape or an object.
9.) i rate my assignment a 10 because i did what was needed and personalty i like my project the way it looks and the way it came out to be.


  1. this is a really cute picture but i feel like it could be a little cleaner


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