1. i like the photo i took and the colors i had chosen
2. the weakest thing is the color brightness
3. in future project i think getting the right brightness and trying to match colors by the oppiste colors will help bring out the project more better 
4. i used the color brightness and color contrast as well as downloading the photo and adding a filter then multiplying the layer four times.
5. i was able to make the goal by using the section tools like the magic wand tool to make different colors pop
6. i think the easiest thing was to duplicate the photo four times then adding different colors was the easiest thing to me
7. i my opinion i dont think anything was that hard to do the project
8. i would use different colors and maybe a newer photo
9. i think that i would rate my project a 10 out of 10 because i completed the assignment as well as added my own flaver into the project


  1. Nice picture and good colors but it can be hard to see

  2. Explain the why more. You are being vague with your answers.


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