1. the best thing about my art work is the face i like it looks really good compared to everything else in my opinion.
2. i think the arms are my weakest thing in my art because it looks as if its behind her dress
3. i think would make the arms a bit ,ore out and try adding different colors.
4. i uses the color, magic tool, and the block making opinion.
5. i was able to make the assignment because i added a background, a made a person with eyes, mouth, face, arms ,feet, and used clothing and a dress.
6. i think adding things from the internet and inserting it on to my new character was the easiest part for me.
7. in my opinion the most difficult thing on the assignment was adding the different shapes to create my character and the color.
8. if i could do the assignment once again i would uses more realist colors and try getting different shapes then just an oval and circles.
9. in my opinion i would rate my work a 9 out of 10 because i really did try and put all my hard effort into this assinment while also counting to meet the goals of this assignment.
